Teach Young Children Gratitude with Simple Steps

Spiritual Playdate
2 min readMar 4, 2022


Fostering thankfulness might seem like an uphill battle in an era when so many children and youths lug about $600-$700 phones that they accept as normal. Despite the difficulties you may have in teaching children to feel thankful in a culture that seems to favour excess, it is vital as gratitude is connected to pleasure in children.

As a result, expressing gratitude to your children at an early age may help them develop into happy adults. Perhaps providing your children with a lifestyle they are thankful for now will encourage them to ponder the grounds for being thankful as adults.

Evidently, there are several reasons to assist and learn how to teach gratitude for kids to experience and express appreciation. Here are some ideas to help your children feel more appreciative.

Teach Your Kids to Express Appreciation

Motivate your youngster to express his or her gratitude in a timely manner. Educate them gently. Even when it doesn’t appear to be true thanks when your kid needs a refresher, allowing them to openly express gratitude may be an effective way to learn sincere thankfulness.

Schools and parents can also urge young children to write “thank you” cards to those who have given them presents or treated them well. Make a habit of praising your youngster when he or she expresses thanks without your prompting.

Learn the meaning behind gratitude

When your youngster continues to say “thank you” on a daily basis, it’s important to dive a bit further to make sure they are not going with the flow of expressing “thank you” for social reasons. Begin by having discussions as to what it takes to be grateful and expand their knowledge of appreciation by including more thankfulness components.

You may also open a discussion about how you perceive, think, and react to the people and places in your existence.

Perform good deeds

There are a few ways for your youngster to express gratitude to others. This might entail repaying a favor, such as lending toys to a helpful buddy. Make it known that there are many ways to express your gratitude for what they do.

You can even opt to embark on a family activity, such as penning thank you cards to your community’s first responders caused by natural disasters. You cannot limit your thanks to people you know; there are still plenty of members of the community for whom you can express gratitude.


Make expressing thankfulness a commitment in your household. It will not only benefit your child, but you and your family will most likely experience an increase in pleasure and well-being.

Author’s Bio- The writer is an avid online blogger. The article is based on gratitude for kids.



Spiritual Playdate
Spiritual Playdate

Written by Spiritual Playdate


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